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| cd themes git clone https://github.com/kakawait/hugo-tranquilpeak-theme.git tranquilpeak_0.47beta" cd tranquilpeak_0.47beta
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| // Highlight.js custom theme // Follow guidelines // 1. Uncomment the block just below - remove `` // 2. Fill `background`, `color`, `border-right-color` properties // with properties of `.hljs` CSS class of your theme // 3. Put your theme where it's indicated just below // 4. Remove `.hljs {...}` rules // 5. Remove `hljs-` of all CSS class name. E.g : `.hljs-comment` becomes `.comment` // 6. Comment line 61 (`'themes/tranquilpeak',`) of `source/_css/tranquilpeak.scss` file // 7. Run `grunt buildProd` to build the theme and see the result // Default code block
// Highlight.js自定义主题 //遵循指南 // 1.取消注释下面的块 - 删除`/ *`和`* /` // 2.填充`background,`color`,`border-right-color`属性 //具有主题的`.hljs` CSS类属性 // 3.将您的主题放在下方所示的位置 // 4.删除`.hljs {...}`规则 // 5.删除所有CSS类名的`hljs -`。 例如:`.hljs-comment`变为`.comment` // 6.注释`source / _css / tranquilpeak.scss`文件的第61行(`'themes / tranquilpeak',`) // 7.运行`grunt buildProd`来构建主题并查看结果
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| // Highlight.js custom theme // Follow guidelines // 1. Uncomment the block just below - remove `` // 2. Fill `background`, `color`, `border-right-color` properties // with properties of `.hljs` CSS class of your theme // 3. Put your theme where it's indicated just below // 4. Remove `.hljs {...}` rules // 5. Remove `hljs-` of all CSS class name. E.g : `.hljs-comment` becomes `.comment` // 6. Comment line 61 (`'themes/tranquilpeak',`) of `source/_css/tranquilpeak.scss` file // 7. Run `grunt buildProd` to build the theme and see the result // Default code block
// Highlight.js自定义主题 //遵循指南 // 1.取消注释下面的块 - 删除`/ *`和`* /` // 2.填充`background,`color`,`border-right-color`属性 //具有主题的`.hljs` CSS类属性 // 3.将您的主题放在下方所示的位置 // 4.删除`.hljs {...}`规则 // 5.删除所有CSS类名的`hljs -`。 例如:`.hljs-comment`变为`.comment` // 6.注释`source / _css / tranquilpeak.scss`文件的第61行(`'themes / tranquilpeak',`) // 7.运行`grunt buildProd`来构建主题并查看结果 //默认代码块
pre > code { background: #f7f8f8; color: #aaa; }
// Default inline code code { background-color: #f7f8f8; }
// Tabbed code block tab // If your theme is dark then use a lighter background // to see clearly which tab is active .codeblock--tabbed figcaption .tab.active { background: #002b36; color: #839496; }
// highlight code block figure.highlight, .codeblock { background: #002b36; color: #839496;
figcaption { background: #002b36; color: #839496; } .gutter { background: #002b36; border-right-color: #f7f8f8; .line { color: #839496; } } // PUT YOUR THEME HERE .keyword, .selector-tag, .addition { color: #859900; } .number, .string, .meta .meta-string, .literal, .doctag, .regexp { color: #2aa198; } .title, .section, .name, .selector-id, .selector-class { color: #268bd2; } .attribute, .attr, .variable, .template-variable, .class .title, .type { color: #b58900; } .symbol, .bullet, .subst, .meta, .meta .keyword, .selector-attr, .selector-pseudo, .link { color: #cb4b16; } .built_in, .deletion { color: #dc322f; } .formula { background: #073642; } .emphasis { font-style: italic; } .strong { font-weight: bold; }
第66行,把 ‘themes/hljs-tranquilpeak’,注释掉
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| npm install npm install grunt-cli -g grunt buildProd
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| Running "watch" task Waiting...